My Poems
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About my Poetry
I have written these poems alone, with no one else around. It takes alot of courage to share them over the internet, but I know I must. I have no problem with you using these poems on your own page, just so long as you say that I wrote them. Enjoy.

I sit alone on my bed
why? is the question
but there is no answer
I stare down at my arm
blood is oozing out of the cuts
the perfectly shaped lines
strectching across my body
in places no one will find
I quickly stuff the knife back
back into the depth of my angry soul
hate consumes me
What have I done?
I can hear my fanily laughing
I wish I could go back to that life
back, back
but I can't
I'm lost
  I Lay On My Bed
I lay on my bed
why can't I cry?
I lay on my bed
why did you die?
I lay on my bed
So many things unsaid
I lay on my bed
knowing you're dead
I lay on my bed
there is no comfort now
I lay on my bed
I keep thinking how?
I lay on my bed
Why did you have to go?
But it's all over
You're dead
I've lost my best friend
It's all over
I've lost my security
It's all over

All Alone
and I let the hate for myself
simply grow inside me
while none of my friends suspect a thing
I am alone in this
and that is how I want it

Finding Self
It took
2 years from life
3 knifes, bloody and rusted
4 suicide attempts
but finally
I'm there
Finding myself

deep down
lies a horrow
waiting to escape
it keeps pushed down
the smile I show hides him
but my cookie-cutter body binds him
he can't escape
I can't escape
this hell has no exit
my demon

Excersizing all day
Starving myself
I read all the stories
Yet, I can't help but be jealous
I know
The words spoken
"Deadly, destructive, horrible"
But I want to join
Where do I sign up?